Home > Posts tagged miraflores

2022 / ‘Sembrar Futuro’ Association

Donation Information: Year: 2022. Amount: USD 600.- Recipient: ‘Sembrar Futuro’ Association. Location: Miraflores, Chaco. Details: Lighting for the sports field of a student hostel in Chaco. Photos and/or Videos:

Donation Information: Year: 2022. Amount: USD 600.- Recipient: ‘Sembrar Futuro’ Association. Location: Miraflores, Chaco. Details: Lighting for the sports field of a student hostel in Chaco. Photos and/or Videos:

2018-2020 / Civil Association of Sponsors of Students and Rural Schools (APAER)

Donation Information: Year: 2018, 2019, 2020. Amount: CHF 12’921.- Recipient: Civil Association of Sponsors of Students and Rural Schools (APAER). Location: Miraflores, Chaco. Details: Repeated donations for materials to build […]

Donation Information: Year: 2018, 2019, 2020. Amount: CHF 12’921.- Recipient: Civil Association of Sponsors of Students and Rural Schools (APAER). Location: Miraflores, Chaco. Details: Repeated donations for materials to build