Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: CHF 1’479.7.- Recipient: Eustaquio Creative Space. Location: Manzana 24 Casa 98, Villa 21-24 (Barracas), City of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of a piano for a […]
2010 / ‘Villa Nueva’ Foundation
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: USD 2’200.- Recipient: ‘Villa Nueva’ Foundation. Location: Banfield, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation for the refurbishing of the premises.
2010 / ‘Hogares’ Foundation
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: CHF 1’600.- Recipient: ‘Hogares’ Foundation. Location: San Isidro, Prov. de Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of washing machines and a stove.
2010 / Provincial Pediatric Hospital Dr. Fernando Barreyro
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: USD 12’863.- Recipient: Provincial Pediatric Hospital Dr. Fernando Barreyro. Location: Posadas, Misiones. Details: Donation of instruments and equipment for laparoscopic surgery.
2010 / Project ‘Let’s bring life to what dies without water’ (‘Demos vida a lo que se muere sin agua’)
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: CHF 260.- Recipient: Project ‘Let’s bring life to what dies without water’ (‘Demos vida a lo que se muere sin agua’). Location: Paraje Media Luna, […]
2010 / ‘Inclán’ Workshops
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: CHF 2’660.- Recipient: ‘Inclán’ Workshops. Location: Buenos Aires City. Details: Donation of art materials for the workshop students. Photos and/or Videos: