Donation Information: Year: 2024. Value: CHF 488.-. Recipient: ‘Sagrado Corazón’ Girls’ Home. Location: Chilecito, La Rioja. Details: Donation of a printer and school supplies. The recipient’s mission: The Home houses […]
2024 / Salesian Sisters of Córdoba
Donation Information: Year: 2024. Value: CHF 233.-. Recipient: Salesian Sisters of Córdoba. Location: Colinas (Bridge 15), City of Córdoba, Córdoba. Details: Donation to purchase school supplies. Photos and/or Videos:
2024 / Surco Kindergarten
Donation Information: Year: 2024. Value: CHF 840.-. Recipient: Surco Kindergarten. Location: Rosario, Santa Fe. Details: Donation of chairs, tables, and recreational and gym equipment. Photos and/or Videos:
2024 / Surco Kindergarten
Donation Information: Year: 2024. Amount: CHF 618.-. Recipient: Surco Kindergarten. Location: Rosario, Santa Fe. Details: Donation of school supplies for the kindergarten children. Photos and/or Videos:
2023 / Salesian Sisters of Córdoba and ‘Sagrado Corazón’ Girls’ Home
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: CHF 1’441.- Recipient: Salesian Sisters of Córdoba and ‘Sagrado Corazón’ Girls’ Home. Location: Colinas (Bridge 15), Córdoba City, Córdoba. Details: Donation to purchase school supplies. […]
2023 / ‘Sagrado Corazón’ Girls’ Home
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: CHF 642.- Recipient: ‘Sagrado Corazón’ Girls’ Home. Location: Chilecito, La Rioja. Details: Donation of an air conditioning unit. The recipient’s mission: The Home houses girls […]
2023 / REA
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: USD 570.- Recipient: REA. Location: Navarro, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of fruit trees.
2023 / ‘Sagrado Corazón’ Girls’ Home
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: CHF 1’025.- Recipient: ‘Sagrado Corazón’ Girls’ Home. Location: Chilecito, La Rioja. Details: Donation to cover the cost of full repair of industrial washing/drying machines. The […]
2023 / ‘Holy Family of Bethlehem’ Home
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: USD 10’100.- Recipient: ‘Holy Family of Bethlehem’ Home. Location: City of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of steel for the construction of a house that will […]
2023 / Rosarina Solidarity Aid Association – ‘Cuatro Vientos’ Educational Centre
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: CHF 700.- Recipient: Asociación Rosarina de Ayuda Solidaria – Centro Educativo Cuatro Vientos (Rosarina Solidarity Aid Association – Cuatro Vientos Educational Centre) Location: Rosario, Santa […]
2023 / Rosarina Solidarity Aid Association – ‘Cuatro Vientos’ Educational Centre
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: CHF 1’539.- Recipient: Asociación Rosarina de Ayuda Solidaria – Centro Educativo Cuatro Vientos (Rosarina Solidarity Aid Association – Cuatro Vientos Educational Centre). Location: Rosario, Santa […]
2023 / Rosarina Solidarity Aid Association – ‘Cuatro Vientos’ Educational Centre
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: CHF 2’393.- Recipient: Asociación Rosarina de Ayuda Solidaria – Centro Educativo Cuatro Vientos (Rosarina Solidarity Aid Association – Cuatro Vientos Educational Centre). Location: Rosario, Santa […]
2023 / Puentes de Luz
Donation Information: Year: 2023. Value: CHF 893.-. Recipient: Puentes de Luz. Location: San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén. Details: Donation of materials for infrastructure works for the institution Puentes de […]
2023 / Surgical intervention for a private individual
Surgical intervention: Year: 2023. Value: CHF 590.-. Recipient: Private individual, Jeremías Villafañe Montero. Location: San Juan, San Juan. Details: Donation for the purchase of a meniscus repair device for a […]
2022 / ‘Vincular’ Foundation
Donation Information: Year: 2022. Amount: USD 1’490.- Recipient: ‘Vincular’ Foundation. Location: Beccar, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of three laptops. The recipient’s mission: The foundation provides support to addicts […]
2022 / REA
Donation Information: Year: 2022. Amount: USD 462.- Recipient: REA. Location: Navarro, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of fruit trees.
2022 / ‘Sembrar Futuro’ Association
Donation Information: Year: 2022. Amount: USD 600.- Recipient: ‘Sembrar Futuro’ Association. Location: Miraflores, Chaco. Details: Lighting for the sports field of a student hostel in Chaco. Photos and/or Videos:
2022 / REA
Donation Information: Year: 2022. Amount: USD 326.- Recipient: REA. Location: Navarro, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of fruit trees. Photos and/or Videos:
2022 / ‘Sembrar Futuro’ Association
Donation Information: Year: 2022. Amount: USD 1’786.- Recipient: ‘Sembrar Futuro’ Association. Location: Chaco. Details: Contribution for a graduation trip for a group of students, so they could visit other parts […]
2022 / Schools in Puerto Libertad and Wanda
Donation Information: Year: 2022. Amount: CHF 4’300.- Recipients: School Directors: Provincial school No. 807, Libertad Satellite Route 12 km 1618. Authorities: Alejandro Koch. Tupicua school No. 682, Wanda, Misiones. Authorities: […]
2022 / Rosarina Solidarity Aid Association – ‘Cuatro Vientos’ Educational Centre
Donation Information: Year: 2022. Value: CHF 738.- Recipient: Asociación Rosarina de Ayuda Solidaria – Centro Educativo Cuatro Vientos (Rosarina Solidarity Aid Association – Cuatro Vientos Educational Centre). Location: Rosario, Santa […]
2021 / Salesian Sisters of Córdoba
Donation Information: Year: 2021. Amount: CHF 930.- Recipient: Salesian Sisters of Córdoba. Location: Colinas (Puente 15), City of Córdoba, Córdoba. Details: Donation for school supplies.
2021 / Rural School A. Guazurari No. 807
Donation Information: Year: 2021. Amount: CHF 930.- Recipient: Rural School A. Guazurari No. 807. Location: Puerto Libertad, Misiones. Details: Donation for the purchase of – two fans due to high […]
2021 / ‘Actuar Hoy’ Foundation
Donation Information: Year: 2021. Amount: CHF 928.- Recipient: ‘Actuar Hoy’ Foundation. Location: Los Polvorines, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of a stove, a refrigerator, and a freezer.
2021 / Los Cerros
Donation Information: Year: 2021. Amount: CHF 740.- Recipient: Escuela Núcleo No. 897. Location: Paraje Los Cerros, Misiones. Details: Donation to purchase a stove, a refrigerator, and 20 school kits for […]
2021 / Rigby Football Club
Donation Information: Year: 2021. Amount: USD 4’871.- Recipient: Rigby Football Club. Location: López, Santa Fe. Details: Contribution of materials for repairing the roof of the multipurpose hall. The recipient’s mission: […]
2021 / Salesian Sisters of Córdoba
Donation Information: Year: 2021. Amount: USD 642.- Recipient: Salesian Sisters of Córdoba. Location: Colinas (Puente 15), City of Córdoba, Córdoba. Details: Backpacks with school supplies. Photos and/or Videos:
2021 / REA
Donation Information: Year: 2021. Amount: USD 99.- Recipient: REA. Location: Navarro, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of fruit trees. Photos and/or Videos:
2019 / ‘Amanecer’ Children’s House
Donation Information: Year: 2019. Amount: CHF 8’613.- Recipient: ‘Amanecer’ Children’s House. Location: Tigre, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of materials for: – construction of a space to be used […]
2018-2020 / Civil Association of Sponsors of Students and Rural Schools (APAER)
Donation Information: Year: 2018, 2019, 2020. Amount: CHF 12’921.- Recipient: Civil Association of Sponsors of Students and Rural Schools (APAER). Location: Miraflores, Chaco. Details: Repeated donations for materials to build […]
2016 / ‘Esperanza’ Association
Donation Information: Year: 2016. Value: CHF 9’925.- Recipient: ‘Esperanza’ Association. Location: San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro. Details: Donation for the purchase and installation of equipment for a multisensory room […]
2016 / Mbyá-Guarani Communities
Donation Information: Year: 2016. Value: CHF 4’840.- Recipient: Mbyá-Guarani Communities. Location: Salto Encantado Provincial Park, Valle del Arroyo Cuñá Pirú, Misiones. Details: Purchase of medications and medical instruments for 13 […]
2016 / ‘Amanecer’ Children’s House
Donation Information: Year: 2016. Amount: USD 3’110.- Recipient: ‘Amanecer’ Children’s House. Location: Tigre, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Roof and bathroom repairs, and purchase of books for the newly constructed […]
2014 / ‘María de Guadalupe’ Educational Group Foundation
Donation Information: Year: 2014. Value: USD 6’000.- Recipient: ‘María de Guadalupe’ Educational Group Foundation. Location: Tigre, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation for the purchase of pedagogical material and to […]
2014 / ‘Inclán’ Workshops
Donation Information: Year: 2014. Value: USD 765.- Recipient: ‘Inclán’ Workshops. Location: Buenos Aires City. Details: Donation of an electric piano for the music classes at the workshop. Photos and/or Videos:
2013 / Casa del Niño (Children day shelter)
Donation Information: Year: 2013. Value: CHF 4’160.- Recipient: Casa del Niño (Children day shelter). Location: Escobar, Buenos Aires Province. Details: Donation for the purchase of materials needed for the proper […]
2011 / Argentinean Rural Missions (MIRA)
Donation Information: Year: 2011. Value: CHF 3’640.- Recipient: Argentinean Rural Missions (MIRA). Location: San Juan, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, Mendoza, Entre Ríos, Salta, Jujuy, Chaco, Formosa, and Neuquén. Details: Donation […]
2011 / Leopoldo Lugones School
Donation Information: Year: 2011. Value: USD 2’800.- Recipient: Leopoldo Lugones School (primary and secondary education). Location: Las Tapias, Córdoba. Details: Donation for the purchase of a television, a computer, a […]
2010 / ‘Eustaquio’ Creative Space
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: CHF 1’479.7.- Recipient: Eustaquio Creative Space. Location: Manzana 24 Casa 98, Villa 21-24 (Barracas), City of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of a piano for a […]
2010 / ‘Villa Nueva’ Foundation
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: USD 2’200.- Recipient: ‘Villa Nueva’ Foundation. Location: Banfield, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation for the refurbishing of the premises.
2010 / ‘Hogares’ Foundation
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: CHF 1’600.- Recipient: ‘Hogares’ Foundation. Location: San Isidro, Prov. de Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of washing machines and a stove.
2010 / Provincial Pediatric Hospital Dr. Fernando Barreyro
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: USD 12’863.- Recipient: Provincial Pediatric Hospital Dr. Fernando Barreyro. Location: Posadas, Misiones. Details: Donation of instruments and equipment for laparoscopic surgery.
2010 / Project ‘Let’s bring life to what dies without water’ (‘Demos vida a lo que se muere sin agua’)
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: CHF 260.- Recipient: Project ‘Let’s bring life to what dies without water’ (‘Demos vida a lo que se muere sin agua’). Location: Paraje Media Luna, […]
2010 / ‘Inclán’ Workshops
Donation Information: Year: 2010. Value: CHF 2’660.- Recipient: ‘Inclán’ Workshops. Location: Buenos Aires City. Details: Donation of art materials for the workshop students. Photos and/or Videos:
2009 / ‘Potencialidades’ Association – ‘Las Tunas’ games library
Donation Information: Year: 2009. Value: USD 9’000.- Recipient: ‘Potencialidades’ Association – ‘Las Tunas’ games library. Location: General Pacheco, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Construction of a bathroom and the games […]
2008 / Iruya Hospital
Donation Information: Year: 2008. Value: CHF 2’100.- Recipient: Iruya Hospital. Location: Iruya, Salta. Details: Donation for the purchase of 33 special medical backpacks for health agents. Photos and/or Videos:
2008 / Provincial Primary School No. 64
Donation Information: Year: 2008. Value: CHF 600.- Recipient: Provincial Primary School No. 64. Location: Mar del Plata, Province of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of school supplies.
2008 / ‘Chicos’ Association
Donation Information: Year: 2008. Value: CHF 3’244.5.- Recipient: ‘Chicos’ Association. Location: Rosario, Santa Fe. Details: Donation for the purchase of various materials for children’s workshops.
2007 / Iruya Hospital
Donation Information: Year: 2007. Value: CHF 2’215.- Recipient: Iruya Hospital. Location: Iruya, Salta. Details: Donation of a heater, a computer, a printer, a pantoscope, and a washing machine. Photos and/or […]
2007 / Children’s canteens in Concepción de la Sierra
Donation Information: Year: 2007. Value: CHF 2’000.- Recipient: Children’s canteens in Concepción de la Sierra. Location: Concepción de la Sierra, Misiones. Details: Donation for the purchase of construction materials for […]
2006 / James Craik Hospital
Donation Information:: Year: 2006. Value: CHF 5’416.- Recipient: James Craik Hospital (Pediatrics Section). Location: Jame Craik, Córdoba. Details: Donation for the purchase of light therapy equipment, a servo-crib, a pulse […]
2006 / Children’s canteen in Concepción de la Sierra
Donation Information: Year: 2006. Value: CHF 1’400.- Recipient: Children’s canteen in Concepción de la Sierra. Location: Concepción de la Sierra, Misiones. Details: Donation for the purchase of construction materials for […]
2003 / Garrahan Hospital
Donation Information: Year: 2003. Value: CHF 4’727.- Recipient: Garrahan Hospital. Location: City of Buenos Aires. Details: Donation of an oxygenator and two perfusion pumps.
2003 / Posadas Children’s Hospital
Donation Information: Year: 2003. Value: CHF 4’094.- Recipient: Posadas Children’s Hospital. Location: Posadas, Misiones. Details: Donation of an encephalograph.