Home > The Association

The organization Niños de Argentina is a non-governmental, non-profit association established in 2002. It is secular and independent of political, nationalistic, or economic affiliations.

The goals are:
• to raise funds to contribute to the financing of humanitarian, cultural, and community projects for children in our country.
• to carry out projects for disadvantaged children, providing support to schools and food kitchens in the form of school supplies, clothing, and food.
• to provide children’s hospitals with equipment to improve their functioning.
• to organize cultural events promoting Argentine culture in Switzerland.

General Association Information


  •  Acronym: ANIDARG
  •  Founded in: año 2002
  •  Address:
    Niños de Argentina
    c/o Arnoldo Quaranta
    2A av du Cimetière
    1213 Petit-Lancy
  •  E-mail: info@anidarg.org
  •  Web: www.anidarg.org

Bank Account Information

IBAN: CH89 0900 0000 1646 0773 8
Bank: PostFinance  

Committee Members (elected on July 17, 2024)

President: Arnoldo Quaranta
Vice President and Treasurer: Sabina Schiller
Secretary: Geraldo Von Potobsky
Project Coordination: Margarita Cassanello
Marketing and Design: Ingrid Kaufmann
Communication and Website : Ignacio Adrogué


Founders: Flor Cassanello, Arnoldo Quaranta, Gabriela Valente, Marcela Apotheloz, Mónica Ravonel

Collaborators who have participated over the years:

Nadia Pirozzetti Sosa, Fabien Pirozzetti, Esteban García, Francisco Etchepareborda, Juliana Knoll Negri, Vanina Raimondi, Olga García, Alejandro Erb, Arturo Santos, Daniel Lopez, Federico Riege, Frank Olsen, Frédérique Timmer, Isabella Capelli, Jenny Brie Santos, Johanna Guez, Sarah Houghton, Sofía Masana Albareda, Sofía Sojo, Caroline Saturno, Pablo Trevisan, Agustina Iorio, Albert Gual, Marc Aguilar, Sophie Ravonel, Mathieu Olivieri, Quentin Olivieri, Federico Olivieri, Pascal Vatter, Jacques Apothéloz, Marc Apothéloz, Carole Apothéloz, Stéphane Apothéloz, Chavaz Laura, Bruno Bertossa, David Imhof, Edwin Van Dooren, Yanik Allisson, Jean-François Goumaz, Aurélien Pourrat, Claude Pourrat, Martin Goumaz, Pierre Goumaz, Simon Goumaz, Emilie Neri, Ella Zimmermann, Eveline van der Schaff, Mélia Chavaz, Carole Hayoz, Jessica Gabrielli, Adrián Foulkes, Sasika Masotta, Javier Masotta, Laura y Julio Nanzer, Nathalie Ravonel, Maria Eulalia Larraya, Maria-Inés Valente, Gaston Mieres, Juan Mieres, Javier Saini, Lucas Santurio, Yanik Allisson, Jean-François Goumaz, Aurélien Pourrat, Claude Pourrat, Martín Goumaz, Pierre Goumaz, Simon Goumaz, Emilie Neri, Nicolas Mérat, Olivier Loutan.